Life Can Be Amazing Free Download


Renowned and award-winning chef, Paula Scott is having a bad week. Her world-famous London bistro has just received scathing reviews for her new menu and on top of that, her girlfriend of three years has just left her. Adamant to cheer her up and get her cooking again, her best friend and business partner Katrina reaches out to Crazy Carrie, their fun-loving but very irresponsible friend from university, to see what they can do for Paula.

Naturally, a night of mad drinking ensues leading them to inadvisably fly to the Caribbean with just the shirts on their backs. Deciding to stay on in search of inspiration and healing from the wounds of broken hearts, the three ladies choose to spend a long weekend in the idyllic islands.

[Source : Steam]


Title: Life Can Be Amazing
Release: 2021-08-07
Length: 2-5 hours
Developer: Double Peach Productions
Publisher: Little Black Book Entertainment
Genre: Romance, Comedy, Yuri



File Name : Life Can Be Amazing
File Size : 231 MB
Password : visual_novel_lovers
*R18+ Patch

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