Fix error PHP Session Support / WHMCS Session Issues

WHMCS Session Issues: This check displays common issues with your PHP environment's session configuration. PHP sessions are a vital part of WHMCS and allow admins and users to stay logged in.

Session autostart is enabled

WHMCS requires that you disable session.auto_start in order to keep admins and users logged in. You may see this error if your php.ini configuration includes session.auto_start=On.

For help with resolving this issue, contact your hosting provider or system administrator.

PHP session support is disabled

You may see this error if your php.ini configuration includes --disable-session. It may also indicate other technical problems.

For help with resolving this issue, contact your hosting provider or system administrator.

The PHP Session save path is not writeable

This check tests whether the session.save_path value in your php.ini configuration is writeable. To do this, it uses the PHP is_writable function.

If you see this warning, the is_writable function cannot write to the specified session.save_path location. Causes for this include invalid paths, a full destination, or other issues.

For help with resolving this issue, contact your hosting provider or system administrator.


Quick fix for this, something I use personally

in configuration.php , add
    ini_set("session.save_path", "/home/user/whmcsdata/sessions/");
make sure that's adjusted for your own needs of course.
I have this in my user's whmcsdata directory, with everything else (templates_c, etc). This makes sure prying eyes can't get to it, and gives me better control.

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